Now sixteen-year-old Ryiah is an apprentice of Combat, her school's most notorious faction. When she finishes, she will be a war mage, but in order to do so, she has to survive four years traveling across Jerar, training with a master she hates, her old nemesis, Priscilla, and Prince Darren, her sometimes-rival sometimes... more? Ry's new apprenticeship is nothing like what she prepared for. War is on the horizon and her lessons aren't just for practice anymore. It's time to fight.
This book honestly kept me on my toes the entire time. I generally do not like the second books in any series. They always seem to drag and never quite get anywhere with anything. This one was anything but! I have never read a book that has had me so frustrated, angry, sad or happy in all my years of reading. This honestly is close to kicking a A Court of Mist and Fury out of my top spot. So much happens in this book. And the ending it just makes everything so satisfying. To see how smart and conniving..... Ugh! This is a must read!!!