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After watching last night GOT all I have to say is....Tormmund dies. I will riot. And by riot I mean I will bitch on the internet, blog about and stuff myself with junk food while I cry. He is one of the most entertaining characters on this show. Bronn is too. I would probably do the same for him. But I really liked that actor on Ripper Street as well! We've had a few close calls this season with some of our beloved characters. I don't know how much more I can take. And where the hell was Sam this week??? He needs to listen to Gilly! She's not a halfwit!

On another note, today my little baby Beeb went to his Kindergarten Preview Day. It's where the student gets to go to school all day. The only catch is there are only a few students. So they get to see what its going to be like without a bunch of the chaos that comes with having 15-18 more kids in the room with them. Though I will say I am a little concerned. He rides the bus with his older siblings, so I know he will be fine. But with the eclipse happening today, I don't know if he will listen to his sister when she tells him not to look up at the eclipse while its happening. They will be on their way home while its still going on. Our area has been completely sold out of glasses for awhile now, so they don't even have that protection. Not that I could actually fully trust them or Beeb to keep them on. Oh...the joys of being a parent!


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